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De Leo Wall Loop Hike - Moderate, 6 miles, 1400 ft gain, Good trail, Slow pace, Ralph Owen

Easter and John Muir's Birthday

Visit the site of one of the current land-use actions on Cougar Mountain that will affect hikers. Hike on mostly good King County Park, City of Newcastle and long- used private trails. The route will go to the Wall with its disappearing view, before going both below the Wall and above the Wall. The map for the day is the Green Trails Cougar Mountain/ Squak Mountain #203S. (Not all trails are on this map.) The leader's phone number on the morning of the hike is (425) 394-8244.

Meet at 175 Rainier Blvd S, Issaquah

Moderate, 6 miles, 1400 ft gain, Good trail, Slow pace

Usually not difficult for regular hikers

Ralph Owen