Join us on an exploratory hike to look at potential new trails on Taylor Mtn. With this hike we hope to inspire others to join us in advocating for better recreation opportunities on Taylor Mtn.
Located across SR-18 from Tiger Mtn, Taylor Mtn. has long been ignored and represents the greatest opportunity for new trails in the Alps. Taylor has a mix of ownerships with State, County and private lands. On this hike we will be checking on the status of the trail system on the mountain and begin a conversation about what IATC would like to see for future trails. We will also talk about what acquisitions we would like the State and County to pursue towards preserving the land for better water quality and quantity, fish and wildlife habitat, human health, recreation opportunities, and carbon sequestration. Portions of this hike will be off trail and some trails may be in very poor condition.
Directions to parking: From where SR-18 passes over the Issaquah-Hobart Rd, travel northbound on SR-18 for 2.6 miles to a wide shoulder on the right (south) side of the road, just before the left turn lane into the West Tiger Mtn. parking lot. Look for the "Issaquah Alps" placard. There is plenty of room here to park safely off SR-18. DO NOT PARK IN THE WEST TIGER MTN. PARKING LOT. THERE IS NO SAFE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING OF SR-18.
Park on the wide shoulder on the south side of SR-18. DO NOT PARK ACROSS THE HIGHWAY
Trails: Various unnamed trails and forest roads
Distance: Approx. 8 miles
Elevation Gain: 1000-1500 ft.
Difficulty: Difficult (due to off-trail hiking and poor trails)