Join IATC founding member David Kappler on an early season hike to learn about native plants, shrubs, and trees on the Lake Tradition Plateau. Even deciduous plants that have yet to sprout leaves will be sought out and identified.
The hike will start and end at the East Sunset trailhead. The total elevation gain will be a modest 500’, with half of that hiking from the valley floor up onto the plateau.
Plant and tree lists will be provided. Some history of the area will be covered as well to help you better understand and appreciate what it took to preserve, and continues to take to protect such a great forested landscape so close to an urban area!
Trails: Brink and Ruth Kees Big Tree
Length: ~3 miles
Pace: Modest
Feel free to call David for more details.
Hike Leader: David Kappler
Ph: (425) 652-2753