We will scout a potential new trail on NE Squak Mountain. With the City of Issaquah's recent purchase of property adjoining Squak Mountain State Park we are working with State Parks to better understand where a new trail within the Park could be located to connect with the City's new land. We won't be cutting anything or doing any digging. We will hang some ribbons where we agree on potential placement of a future trail.
Registration required.
We will consider all of the following in our trail planning: trail steepness, impact to native vegetation, appropriate soil conditions, avoiding springs and wetlands and crossing any creeks with as little impact as possible, viewpoints and nice places for people to take a break, design switchbacks that keep people on the trail and not cutting switchbacks. We will potentially be putting many people in an area where wildlife has pretty much had the area to themselves. There is a great deal of very wild country on NE Squak and we want to leave large areas that continue as minimally disturbed wildlife habitat.
State Parks has placed a great deal of confidence in our trail planning skills. We don't want to disappoint them.
Contact David Kappler, the hike leader, with any questions.
Trailhead: Park on Sunrise Place SW in Issaquah. Click here to see on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/gzCjAYj1RPiaLYi26
Trails: Squak Mtn. Access Trail, then off trail to explore new trail route possibilities.
Distance: ~3 miles
Ascent: Undetermined, though be prepared for off-trail travel with some steep areas.
Time: Up to 3 hours