Mt. Issaquah? . . . WHY NOT?

What is now West Tiger 3 (one of the five peaks on Tiger Mountain) used to be known as Mount Issaquah.  Somehow, perhaps when the Washington Department of Natural Resources took over, it was absorbed into Tiger Mountain—all five peaks.

Scott Stoddard, editor of the Issaquah “Press,” recently suggested in his “Front and Sunset” column, that the original name be restored.  “Tiger Mountain,” he wrote, “already has a summit named Tiger Mountain.  Why does it need to hog the nomenclature for all five peaks?”

I like the idea.  The Issaquah community takes a lot of pride in its trails and Alps peaks.  Why not have a mountain named Mount Issaquah bring an even greater sense of local pride?

I brought the idea to Doug McClelland, recently retired area DNR manager.  His response:  “I like the idea of a real name for a peak versus a boring WT3.”  He suggests contacting the board of geologic names chaired by the commissioner of public lands.

As Stoddard wrote:  “We believe Tiger Mountain and a reborn Mount Issaquah can co-exist peacefully.”
Let’s pursue it.  Just imagine. . . MOUNT ISSAQUAH.

---Doug Simpson

IATC Staff