TMT revisited

If you have hiked anywhere on Tiger Mountain you have most likely, at one time or another, hiked on or crossed the Tiger Mountain Trail  (TMT).  It meanders north to south over the Tiger Mountain NCRA and the Tiger Mountain State Forrest.  In total, it covers about 16 miles through varied terrain and some of the most remote and little visited corners of Tiger Mountain. 

Most people don’t know that the TMT or for that matter Tiger Mountain itself, would not exist without the hard work (physical and otherwise) of the Issaquah Alps Trails Club.  The TMT in particular was the work of early IATC member and “Chief Ranger” Bill Longwell and his intrepid band of volunteer trail workers known as “The Weedwackers” who did most of the original routing and construction of the trail.

Decades later, some sections of the trail are suffering the effects of time and the elements and are in need to some significant repairs.  Happily, the IATC has begun a project with the Washington Department of Natural Resources,, land manager of Tiger Mountain,  to undertake some needed repairs and re-route sections of the trail that may be beyond fixing. 

This is a labor of love for the IATC given the history of the TMT.   We encourage you come join club members helping to preserve part of a great hiking trail and a piece of history.  No experience necessary and all tools provided!


George Potter  415-557-6554    or

Ed Vervoot  206-523-6461

to join a trail work party!

IATC Staff