Ken Konigsmark inducted into Issaquah Hall of Fame
Longtime IATC member Ken Konigsmark was named to the Hall of Fame, the City of Issaquah’s highest honor, in late May of this year. As the 2007 recipient of the Ruth Kees Environmental Award, Ken has been a tireless advocate for natural spaces for many years. Doug McClelland of Mountains to Sound Greenway and IATC’s David Kappler were both happy to recommend him for this honor and have shared their words below.
Words by David Kappler, IATC VP of Advocacy -
I will always remember the evening that Ken Konigsmark came to an Issaquah Alps Board Meeting to relate his concerns about what was happening on Squak Mountain State Park. He related his run-ins with people doing out of control illegal activities in the state park not far from his home on Squak. Bill Longwell and others had shown an interest in Squak and we were very thankful of the large gift of land that Stimson Bullitt had given to the state park system, but acquisition issues with Cougar and Tiger had diverted us from keeping up with protecting lands that had already been acquired.
After Ken told us of some of his interactions with four wheel drive operators cutting down trees, stealing wood, reckless shooting and tearing up the ground, we were more worried about his safety than damage to the park. That began a decades-long partnership with Ken and the IATC that expanded well beyond Squak to being a critical force in the actual creation of the pretty crazy idea of a Mountains to Sound Greenway from Elliot Bay to Ellensburg.
The concept of “urban villages” in or near Issaquah preceded Ken’s involvement with land use planning. The successful implementation of those plans was something Ken was very much involved with. Ken is an on the ground type of guy not relying on pretty architect drawings denoting green and protected steep slopes, creeks, wetlands and the like. He knew the ground in Talus and Issaquah Highlands and made sure real protection and enhancement of critical areas was a reality, and not just a pretty picture in an ignored plan.
Ken is not just an Issaquah Hero, but a Hero for the whole Greenway from Mountains to Sound. We and the region owe him a great deal for not only his vision, but for making sure that vision was and is implemented.
Ken at the 20th anniversary greenway march. Courtesy of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
Words by Doug McClelland, former MTSG President -
I am honored to be able to recommend Ken Konigsmark as the next City of Issaquah’s Hall of Fame Recipient. I am so proud of knowing and working with Ken for over thirty years.
Ken has dedicated his life and passion to the community in conservation, recreation, land use, and advancing social issues in Issaquah and surrounding lands. From becoming President of the Issaquah Alps Trails Club, to working for the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust for ten years as a loaned Boeing Executive, to leading efforts to conserve open space surrounding Issaquah to rolling up his sleeves at his church to help long term planning and land use.
Ken volunteered for years on the Conservation Futures Committee for King County. He has helped local politicians understand and support rural issues. He researches an issue, finds solutions, and works tirelessly to bring people together to make Issaquah a better place to live for all.
Ken is a graduate of West Point, retried in the reserves as a Military Intelligence officer, he worked at Boeing for a career in and then spent almost all of his free time in land conservation and community issues. Ken is a soldier; you ask him to complete a task and he gets it done! He works hard, cares about his community and most of all is deserving of recognition he never asks for… let’s make Ken Konigsmark Issaquah’s Next Hall of Fame Recipient!
Issaquah Press, April 25, 2007.