Run Up For Air: Tiger Mountain

Run Up For Air (aka RUFA) started a new series in the PNW on Tiger Mountain this past  March 11th, 2023.  RUFA was started in Utah on Grandeur Peak, a popular route for hikers and climbers.  In winter, as you climb Grandeur, you ascend into clean air at the summit as inversion traps smog in the valley. Jared Campbell, a legendary ultra runner, started Run Up For Air in 2012 as a mountain endurance event designed to draw attention to the air quality issues in Salt Lake City.  


Runners at the start line. Photo by Mark Griffith.


RUFA came to the PNW through the efforts of Scott Sowle and his race company, Mountain Running Races.  Scott grew up on the border of Indiana and Michigan and after high school moved to Utah for skiing.  Scott was always active, earning the nickname “Scooter.” He worked at ski resorts in the winter, and would climb and cycle in the warmer months.   He lived in Salt Lake City when Jared was starting RUFA, and had spent time himself running and skiing Grandeur. 


Race director Scott Sowle. Photo by Mark Griffith


Scott struggled with addiction off and on during his time in Salt Lake. In 2015 he came to the PNW because he needed a change in his life.  As part of his recovery, Scott would ride the bus out to Issaquah city center and run in the Issaquah Alps.  Running taught him discipline, how to quiet his mind and listen to what was within him.  The mountains and Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission helped Scott start a new life; and running became part of his path out of addiction.  Scott loves the running community and wanted to give back, so he started the Mountain Running Races and The Vert Running Series to extend running to others, put smiles on faces and introduce people to new places. 


In 2022 Scott reached out to Jared Campbell about starting a RUFA chapter in the PNW.  Jared wanted to expand the RUFA Salt Lake event into a Run Up For Air series, so RUFA Tiger Mountain was born in its inaugural year in 2023.  While the PNW doesn’t lack for clean air, in the past 30 years the incident of large forest fires in Washington has doubled and in the last 5 years we have had prolonged incidents of smoke.  Climate change has resulted in snow melting earlier in the spring, leading to drier forests and undergrowth that contributes to wildfires that can ignite more easily, burn hotter and spread faster.  RUFA Tiger Mountain draws attention to the importance of actively working on air quality solutions and the underlying causes that degrade air quality.  This year the event proceeds went to Protect our Winters


The run started at 6:15 am behind Issaquah High School and had a 9 mile loop that began in the lowlands of the green ferns and transitioned to blowing snow on the top of Tiger.  The event offered a 3, 6, and 12 hour endurance challenge where participants attempted as many laps as they could complete. 


Remi Delille and Corrine Malcolm both took first in three fast loops for the 6 hour event.  Sean Robinson and Sara Bea Myre both took top honors for our 12 hour event.  The 3 hour participants were led by Emily Huebne and Alexander Luchini, who had the fastest loop time of the day with 1:37:21.


Next year's RUFA - Tiger Mountain is scheduled for March 9th, 2024.  Mark your calendars, and come out to volunteer, run, or hike! All are welcome. 

Written by Mark Griffith

Mark Griffith