IATC Launches its 2021 Annual Fundraiser


Every year the Issaquah Alps Trails Club hosts its annual Fundraiser during the month of September to raise funds for our general operating budget. This year, the board worked together to come up with a $15,000 match, so all gifts made during this fundraiser will be doubled by our very own board members.

The Issaquah Alps Trails Club has worked for forty years to protect, preserve, and promote the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps now and into the future.  The incredible generosity of our community makes it possible for the IATC to engage volunteers in critical public lands restoration, stewardship, and education programs.

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This year, in addition to our advocacy efforts including Save Coal Creek and the Highway 18 redevelopment, we’ve expanded our public outreach and education programming.

In 2021 we: 

  • Re-started our free educational guided hiking program

  • Created an “Adopt-a-Trail” volunteer program to help clean up our local trails

  • Partnered with Green Issaquah at Berntsen Park to restore critical salmon habitat

  • Hosted several free virtual events and forums on environmental topics

Check out our Accomplishments Map to see our impact

A gift made today would go directly to supporting these programs. We still have a lot of work to do to advocate for our public lands and we can’t do it without the support of our community.

Support us today at: Support — Welcome to IATC (issaquahalps.org)

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