Keep Coal Creek Wild- Your Support is Needed!
Save Coal Creek is a group of residents of Bellevue and neighboring communities, Issaquah Alps hikers and trailrunners, local history buffs and nature lovers who want to see the former Milt Swanson property turned into a public park. The property on Lakemont Boulevard SE, Bellevue, is now owned by a developer who has proposed 35 single-family homes on the 12 acres of open space, pasture and horse barn, and native forest.
What would we lose, if this development happens? The property, surrounded on three sides by Bellevue’s Coal Creek Natural Area, supports a vital wildlife corridor between the Bellevue park and King County’s Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park. That corridor would be fragmented. Milt Swanson’s red barn, horse pasture, and remnants of coal mining history would be gone forever. Sixty-five (yes, 65) mature trees would be removed, and that lovely open space next to Lakemont Boulevard would cease to be. Bellevue has invested heavily in managing sediment and improving habitat in Coal Creek, the watershed with the most promise of all Bellevue’s streams for restoring salmon. Should this investment be risked by yet another development?
More than 3,500 people have signed the IATC online petition to stop the development. You can help by adding your signature and by writing a letter of comment to city of Bellevue planner Reilly Pittman: See sample letter below.
Your donation is needed! We’ve hired an attorney to help us persuade Bellevue’s planning department (Department of Development Services) that the proposed development needs a full Environmental Impact Statement. This thorough analysis would evaluate impacts to traffic, aesthetic views, noise levels, wildlife, pedestrian and hiker uses, historic resources and other aspects of the environment.
Please donate to the Save Coal Creek fund** HERE Or make out a check to the Issaquah Alps Trails Club with “SAVE COAL CREEK” in the memo.
This fund will be used to help cover research, attorney fees, and technical fees that arise as our efforts continue.
**Funds not used within 5 years will be rolled into the Issaquah Alps Trails Club Opportunity fund.
Hatchery Coho salmon released in Coal Creek November 2021
Horse barn and outbuilding of the late Milt Swanson
Sample Comment Letter:
To: Reilly Pittman, Acting Environmental Planning Manager
Permit Application Nos. 16-143970-LK; 16-145946-LO; 19-121109-LK
Dear Mr. Pittman,
My name is _____________________. My family and I live at ( __________________ street, city, county). I’m writing today because I am very concerned about the proposed Isola development for the property next to the Coal Creek Natural Area in Bellevue.
(list your concerns about the development; list the values of this property that, if it were added to the adjacent natural area, would benefit the public and wildlife.)