City to Form New Environmental Board


The City of Issaquah utilizes volunteer boards and commissions to advise the mayor, council and administration on a wide range of matters. Previously, the River and Streams Board served as the primary advisory body on issues related to the environment. However, its scope, composition and responsibilities were narrowly defined to technical matters specific to the aquatic environment in Issaquah.

Issaquah is a community passionate and focused on environmental protection and preservation as demonstrated in the Citywide Strategic Plan and is reflected in its community vision, mission and guiding principles. In addition, the opportunities for local communities to address a range of environmental issues, from habitat and natural resource protection to sustainable development and climate change is growing and becoming increasingly important. In response, the City Administration is exploring the creation of a new board or commission dedicated to addressing a broad range of environmental issues.

On June 16th the City of Issaquah virtually hosted over 50 participants in a community brainstorming session to discuss the potential purpose and the desired outcomes of the new environmental board. Several IATC board members, staff, and volunteers participated in this meeting and will continue to provide a voice at the table.

There is a lot of opportunity for this board to help shape the policies, plans and regulations that guide the City’s work and its impact on our climate, environment and future. Providing a sounding board on the environmental work will help support the City’s Strategic Plan goal to ensure that our environmental resources are proactively enhanced, protected and stewarded. Board members, staff, and volunteers from the IATC plan to support and participate in the formation of this new board and ensure that our Issaquah Alps wild lands and trails are well represented.

Next Steps:

A second community meeting to discuss a proposal will be held via WebEx (video conference or teleconference) on June 30th from 5:30 - 7:00pm. All interested parties are welcome to join the conversation. Please contact to request a meeting invitation.

The City Council will then consider the creation of a new environmental board at an upcoming Council Study Session. Council action to sunset the River and Streams Board and form this new board will be held at a subsequent meeting.