Opportunity for "Virtual Volunteer"

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Are you looking for a way to stay engaged with your outdoor community while at home? The Issaquah Alps Trails Club has an exciting volunteer project opportunity for one or two volunteers interested in digital and print communications. While our newsletter “The Alpiner” is primarily digital, we do send out print copies to members who request the newsletter in print form. We are looking for one or two volunteers who are interested in the following:

  • Generate PDF version of the Alpiner Newsletter from the email/blog version of the newsletter.  Involves manual cut-and-paste from the website blog into MS Word, from which the PDF is generated.  About 1 hour of work once a month (right after the email version of the newsletter is sent out). Requires access to a computer with Microsoft Word.

  • Printing and mailing the hardcopy Alpiner Newsletter to about 12 members.  Most recipients of the newsletter receive a digital copy, but we do send a print version to members who request one. Envelopes and stamps will be provided.  About 1 hour of work once a month (right after the email version of the newsletter is sent out and the PDF version has been generated (see task above). 

If this sounds like something you are interested in please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form. Under “Area of Interest” please select “Other” and write “Alpiner PDF” in the available space and provide a brief description of your background and interest in volunteering.

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