"Give Big" to Support our Beloved Issaquah Alps


Now, more than ever, we need the great outdoors to safely recreate and nurture our mental and physical well being. For over 40 years citizen activists and volunteers of the Issaquah Alps Trails Club have worked with civic leaders and land managers to preserve and protect our parks, open spaces, and trails. We have much more to do to ensure that our trails and public lands continue to be preserved and maintained. Please consider giving BIG and making a generous donation in support of our beloved Issaquah Alps!


The mission of the Issaquah Alps Trails Club is to engage the public to preserve, protect, and promote the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps for present and future generations. 


The IATC has been a voice for the protection of not only trails but the vast open spaces through which they run achieving unprecedented victories with the creation of Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park, West Tiger Natural Resources Conservation Area, Tiger Mountain State Forest, creation/expansion of Squak Mountain State Park, Grand Ridge Park, Talus Open Space, Cougar-Squak Connector, and numerous parks, open spaces and county and state forests.

  • 125+ miles of trails saved in the Issaquah Alps

  • 13,000+ acres preserved on Tiger Mountain

  • 5,000 acres protected on Cougar and Squak Mountains

  • 80% of 2,223 acres saved from development on Grand Ridge and in Talus

GiveBIG and Help Preserve, Promote and Protect the Issaquah Alps

Your donation will go straight to the heart of our mission -- advocacy. All funds raised will help citizen activists organize, mobilize, and influence on a broader and deeper level than ever before. Thank you for considering an investment in our trails, wildlands, and parks. Together, we will make a lasting impact on the public lands we all love.