IATC Holds Board Retreat for Strategic Planning
Last month the IATC Board of Directors and Executive Director gathered at the cozy log home of Anne Newcomb and John Sherwin at the base of Tiger Mountain for a strategic planning retreat. The board hired the well regarded nonprofit consultant Susan Howlett to facilitate, and she will continue working with us toward the long term goal of a strategic plan. Due to the change and growth the organization has experienced recently, the board takes seriously this planning and strategic preparation for the next chapter. Executive Director, Lindsay Frickle, said “I feel that it is our responsibility to IATC supporters to invest in what will make the most impact on our mission and the future of the Issaquah Alps. Capacity building and strategic planning is imperative at this critical point in our organization's history.”
IATC President David Dunphy chats with Board Members Kirt Leonard and David Kappler
With Susan’s guidance, the board focused on building programmatic, infrastructure, and sustainability goals for the near and long term. In service to our mission, to preserve, protect, and promote this Issaquah Alps for present and future generations, the board agreed on the following goals:
IATC Board members brainstorm goals for the organization with the guidance of consultant Susan Howlett
Engage and equip the public to advocate for the Alps and address climate change, through education, outreach, experiences, and service.
Create/implement a plan and system to maximize the talents of the individuals who share our goals.
The goal for sustainability (fundraising) is still in progress, but the board agreed that we need to spend more time deconstructing the program and infrastructure goals to identify specific funding needs.
With equal importance, the board improved our committee structure and identified the need for non-board member volunteers to help serve on our very active committees. Where the IATC could use the most help is on our Advocacy, Communication, Public Engagement, and Philanthropy committees.
Board members are collaborating (via email and conference calls for now) in committees to break down big goals into achievable plans and projections for the future. We look forward to sharing more calls to action with IATC supporters in the near future!