Take Action Against Development at Coal Creek
The Issaquah Alps Trails Club is encouraging its members to oppose the private development of 35 single-family homes on a City of Bellevue parcel near Coal Creek.
King County iMap image of the affected area (shown in red). This image highlights the proximity of the parcel in question to erosion hazards and the creek itself.
Why Oppose Development?
In addition to increasing traffic on a dangerous commuter roadway, Coal Creek serves as an important habitat for wildlife and a key recreation area for many of us. Development in this area would cause pollution from runoff in four fish-bearing streams and three key wetlands. A multitude of amazing animals currently reside in Coal Creek natural area including sapsuckers, pileated wood-peckers, bats, swallows, owls, hawks, weasels, frogs & salamanders.
Additionally, an existing Bellevue Parks trail is included in the proposed development site, and while trail access would be maintained, hiking through a subdivision does not provide the same mental and physical health benefits as hiking through a natural area. Learn more about the health benefits of nature from this article in Audobon magazine.
What can you do?
1. Sign the petition to oppose development via the IATC website here.
2. Tell the city your concerns. Any comments should be submitted to the Development Services Department for consideration, and specifically to Peter Rosen, Senior Environmental Planner, City of Bellevue and the permit project manager: (425) 452-5210 or prosen@bellevuewa.gov.
3. Learn more about the project and encourage others who share your concerns to act as well. More information on Save Coal Creek is available here.