Issaquah Alps Hike Program Hosts DeLeo Wall Hike in Support of Fundraiser

This past weekend, members of the Issaquah Alps Trails Club, Save DeLeo wall, and public officials toured the DeLeo Wall Property itself in support of a fundraiser lead by the Save DeLeo wall group. Save DeLeo wall is raising $35,000 dollars by January 31st to prevent the property from being logged. Read more about the the fundraiser here, or visit Save DeLeo Wall’s website to donate.

Eva Lundahl, Ryan McIrvin, and Denice Carnahan kick off the hike at Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.

Eva Lundahl, Ryan McIrvin, and Denice Carnahan kick off the hike at Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.

Hikers brave the rain to visit the DeLeo wall property.

Hikers brave the rain to visit the DeLeo wall property.

Ralph Owen stands in front of the trail sign for the DeLeo wall trail.

Ralph Owen stands in front of the trail sign for the DeLeo wall trail.

Thank to all of the hiker who participated in the DeLeo wall hike fundraiser!

Thank to all of the hiker who participated in the DeLeo wall hike fundraiser!

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