Bringing Together Hike Leaders for an Evening of Celebration
IATC Hike Leaders and those interested in becoming future Hike Leaders came together for an evening of getting to know one another, reminiscing, and lots of pizza. See the pictures below!
Denice Carnahan, who organized the event, welcomes past, current, and future Hike Leaders to the Hike Leader Summit aka the Hike Leader Appreciation Pizza Party!
Attendees went around the table, introducing themselves, and sharing their best and worst moments as Hike Leaders.
Many stories of happy and challenging hikes were shared as pizza from Flying Pie Pizzeria was devoured.
Hike Leaders discuss upcoming hikes, and strategize ways to involve new Hike Leaders in the program.
We are looking for more Hike Leaders! If you are interested in becoming a Hike Leader, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form on the website, or contact Lindsay Frickle at