Save our Parks, Trails, and Open Space!

On April 17, 2019 King County Council approved legislation to place the 2020-2025 King County Parks, Recreation, Trails & Open Space Replacement Levy on the August 6, 2019 ballot. Please see the voter ballot measure fact sheet or visit the King County Parks Website for detailed information about proposed county-wide investments in parks, trails, recreation, and open space protection.

The current Parks Levy, which was approved by voters in 2013, will expire at the end of 2019. Under this measure, an estimated $810 million would be generated over six years for the county’s 200 parks, 175 miles of regional trails, and 28,000 acres of open space. The property tax would cost 18.32 cents per $1,000 of assessed value or about $7.60 per month for the owner of a home valued at $500,000.

The revenue generated during the six-year levy funds operations and maintenance of our parks and trails and helps King County Parks keep pace with our growing region by funding repair and renovation of our aging facilities including play areas and ballfields, make new regional trail connections and increase access to parks and trails. This measure includes close to $110 million in new and expanded grant funding to improve access to parks and recreation for all King County residents, no matter where they live, and continue to protect and conserve our valuable natural lands and greenspaces.

Some highlights of the new grant programs are:

  • $9 million to work with partners to design, build or program new and enhanced public recreation facilities;

  • $10 million to increase access to and use of recreation facilities in communities that are currently underserved or for people with disabilities; ❖ $22 million to protect, restore, and provide recreation opportunities in river corridors and green spaces;

  • $25 million to cities for parks capital improvements and acquisitions;

  • $44 million for public pool capital improvements. This measure would also distribute $60 million to King County cities to support their local parks and recreation programs. It would provide Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle with funding to expand its environmental education and conservation programs and capital funding to Seattle Aquarium to help create its Ocean Pavilion.

The IATC and partner organizations fully support this crucial ballot measure, which will ensure our parks, trails, and open spaces be maintained and preserved for citizens in our county, visitors, and future generations.

IATC Staff