IATC Member David Kappler Writes Letter of Support for Critical Park Addition

Longtime volunteer and board member of the IATC David Kappler wrote a letter of support for a potential new park addition near Red Town Trailhead called Park Pointe to King County Council Member Claudia Balducci. See the letter in full below.

Dear Councilmember Balducci:

First, thank you for your leadership on climate issues and supporting the acquisition of the Bergsma property adjoining the Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park in Issaquah. 

I had a short discussion with you before the start of the Bellevue City Council meeting Tuesday night about the proposed PUD- Park Pointe on the southern edge of Bellevue and across the street from King County's Red Town Trailhead.

The proposal is on properties once owned by Milt Swanson and his brother.  Two primary reasons for Bellevue to acquire the property deal with connecting Bellevue's Coal Creek Natural Area with King County's Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.  One connection is to improve wildlife travel and another is make the connection between the two parks safer for humans.  The existing crossing is too close to the curve to the south near the Newcastle-Bellevue border.  The amount of traffic and the speeds traveled on this road both keep increasing.

The city and the county have had acquisition of this property on their wish list, but have not had a willing seller.  Development of this property is complicated by coal mines, some easement/deed restrictions and basic water and sewer utilities being about a half a mile away.

The key to the acquisition of the Bergsma property was the owner became a willing seller as he faced huge development costs with a steep road, many retaining walls, storm water vaults and needed frontage road requirements.

The Trust for Public Land was able to work with the owner and the Trust was able to give Issaquah a one year three million dollar interest free loan to make the purchase possible for Issaquah.

Our hope is that the county and the city would ask TPL to simply explore with the owner the possibility of acquisition by the city.  Perhaps such discussions have taken place in the past and maybe they are happening now, but in any case they need to occur in the present time.

The Trails Club is working with the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust to plan the 30th Anniversary Mountains to Sound Trek.  On Saturday July 18 the trekkers and others will hike from Issaquah starting on a new trail through Bergsma, across Cougar Mountain to the Red Town Trailhead and take their chances crossing Lakemont Blvd. to Bellevue's Coal Creek Natural Area and then on to Newcastle Beach Park.

King County will be celebrating with Issaquah the Bergsma acquisition, what a great day it could be for the county to celebrate with Bellevue a Park Pointe acquisition as well!


David Kappler

VP Advocacy

Issaquah Alps Trails Club

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