Upcoming IATC 40th Anniversary Events


On May 19, 1979, the first formal meeting of the Issaquah Alps Trails Club was held in the Issaquah Sportsmen’s Clubhouse.  The name “Issaquah Alps Trails Club” was voted-in by those in attendance.  After a few months of semi-organization, a board was selected and Harvey Manning, the rabble-rousing-ring-leader, was elected as president.

The year 2019 will mark the 40th Anniversary of that event – something worth celebrating.  And celebrate we will.  Here is what we have in the planning pipeline:

All-Club Potluck Party, April 6, 2019, 5:00 PM, Issaquah Depot

An annual potluck was once a tradition of the club, and we’re bringing it back! Bring a dish to share, and any club memorabilia and/or photos from the olden days.  A slide show will play in the background, but it will be mostly an opportunity to socialize.

“History of the IATC” Program, June 8, 2019, 11:00 AM, Issaquah Depot

This program will be jointly sponsored by the Issaquah History Museums and held in the Issaquah Depot.  We’ve lined up speakers that were involved in the early days of the club to walk us down memory lane. Speakers: Tom Mechler, David Kappler, Doug Simpson and Ken Konigsmark.

“Viva la Trails Day” – Tiger Mountain, High Point Trailhead, June 15, 2019

The “Showcase Hike” events will involve our booth at a popular trailhead in which we can engage with the hiking public, and a short speaking engagement with club leaders and public officials involved with the management of the associated land.  The general theme will be the advocacy role of the IATC towards the protection of the land and trails in this geography.  We will lead some hikes, both short and a long, and engage the public.

“Viva la Trails Day” – Squak Mountain, Cougar/Squak Corridor Park, July 13, 2019

Same format as the Tiger Mountain event, but celebrating the Squak Mountain State Park and the King County Cougar/Squak Corridor Park.

“Viva la Trails Day” – Cougar Mountain, Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park, September 14, 2019

Same format as the Tiger Mountain event, but celebrating the Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.

Salmon Days Booth – October 5 and 6, 2019

Of course we always have a booth at Salmon Days, but this year we will have some special history-themed content and anniversary-branded hand-outs like window decals and patches.

The dates for showcase hike events are tentative at this point, but will be finalized and published as the date draws nearer.  The dates for the potluck, history program and Salmon Days are solid.

Questions? Contact Tom Anderson, Anniversary Event Committee Chairman.

See you at the Potluck Party

Tom Anderson