2020 Middle TMT (202) Lone Rock Erratic.jpg

Welcome to the Issaquah Alps Trails Club

Our mission is conservation, education, and advocacy for the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps for present and future generations.

 We raise awareness around challenges facing our public lands through guided hikes and community education. We take action to make sure everyone can enjoy the trails, parks, and open spaces of the Issaquah Alps now and into the future.




As a 45 year old organization, the Issaquah Alps Trails Club has a rich history of volunteerism, advocacy, and partnerships. Read more about our history.



See the areas where we work, our current campaigns, and ways you too can become an advocate of our trails, parks, and open spaces.


We work out of our homes, but you are just as likely to find us at forums and events, in the community, and on the trails. Come say hi!

Hikes and Events


Get Involved

Give back to the trails you love. Donate or volunteer with us today. We have opportunities for everyone, so let us know what you’re interested in!

join our “Hikes with a purpose”

Advocate for your Public Lands


write for the Alpiner


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